MAFIA Token: The Heart of Base Mafia Ecosystem

Introducing the $MAFIA Token

The MAFIA token is the core of the Base Mafia ecosystem, empowering our community with value, utility, and security. Designed to drive engagement, facilitate transactions, and reward contributors, MAFIA is more than just a token; it’s the foundation of our mission to revolutionize the blockchain space on Base.


Circulation supply


Total supply


Bought back



No Team Tokens

Lossless Security Integration



Token Utilities

01 Governance

The MAFIA token allows holders to participate in the decision-making processes of the Base Mafia ecosystem. Token holders can propose and vote on key issues, ensuring that the community has a direct impact on the future of Base Mafia.


02 Rewards

MAFIA holders can stake their tokens to earn rewards. Staking supports the network’s security and stability, while rewarding loyal community members with additional MAFIA tokens.
The MAFIA token is used to reward contributors who add value to the ecosystem. Whether through social media promotions, content creation, or bringing in new partnerships, contributors earn MAFIA tokens based on their efforts and impact.

03 Transactions

MAFIA facilitates seamless transactions within the Base Mafia ecosystem. From paying for services to trading on our upcoming OTC marketplace and all other upcomming products, MAFIA ensures efficient and low-cost transactions.

MAFIA Security with Lossless

Security Measures with Lossless

Security is paramount at Base Mafia, and we’ve partnered with Lossless to ensure the highest level of protection for our token and community. Lossless is a robust security protocol designed to prevent and mitigate exploits and hacks in smart contracts.

How Lossless Works:

1. Monitoring and Detection:
Lossless continuously monitors transactions and activities within the MAFIA token smart contract. It uses advanced algorithms to detect suspicious activities that could indicate a potential hack or exploit.

2. Freezing Mechanism:
Upon detecting suspicious activity, Lossless can temporarily freeze the affected transaction. This immediate response prevents the attacker from moving stolen funds and gives the Base Mafia team time to investigate and resolve the issue.

3. Community-Driven Security:
Lossless incorporates a community-driven approach to security. Community members and security experts can participate in identifying and reporting potential vulnerabilities, creating a collaborative environment for safeguarding the MAFIA token.

 4. Recovery Solutions:
In the event of an exploit, Lossless provides mechanisms to recover stolen funds. By working with the Base Mafia team and leveraging the protocol’s capabilities, we can mitigate the impact of security breaches and protect our community’s assets.

5. Transparency and Audits:
All security measures and incidents are transparently recorded and audited. This ensures that the Base Mafia community is always informed about the security status of their tokens and can trust in the integrity of our ecosystem.

Business standards

UNCX Token Locker

At Base Mafia, we prioritize the security and trust of our community. By utilizing the UNCX Token Locker, we ensure that our token allocations are securely locked and transparently managed. This prevents early token dumps and safeguards the interests of all MAFIA holders. The locker provides a robust mechanism for locking tokens in a smart contract until predetermined conditions are met, enhancing the stability and integrity of our ecosystem.

Safe Global Multi-Signature Wallets

To further secure our assets and project funds, we employ Safe Global multi-signature wallets. These wallets require multiple approvals for transactions, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access or malicious activities. By distributing the signing authority among trusted team members, we ensure that all fund movements are conducted with the highest level of scrutiny and security. This multi-signature approach adds an extra layer of protection and enhances operational transparency.

SolidProof Audit and KYC

Security and compliance are fundamental to Base Mafia's operations. We collaborate with SolidProof for comprehensive smart contract audits and KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures. SolidProof's audits rigorously analyze our code for vulnerabilities, ensuring our smart contracts are robust and secure. Additionally, their KYC services verify the identities of our team members and major stakeholders, promoting transparency and trust within our community. Through these measures, we create a safe and compliant environment for all participants in the Base Mafia ecosystem.

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