Become a Contributor and start earning!

Bring real value to the Base Mafia ecosystem and earn real money!


Base Mafia Contributor Revenue Model

At Base Mafia, we recognize the invaluable contributions of our community members in driving the project forward. To incentivize and reward those who bring value and business to the Base Mafia ecosystem, we have established a comprehensive revenue model for our contributors. This document outlines the different revenue streams available to our contributors based on their activities and the value they bring to the project.

Influencer Marketing Revenue

Influencers play a crucial role in spreading the word about Base Mafia and engaging with the broader crypto community. Influencers can join our Key Opinion Leader (KOL) group and earn from marketing revenues.


  • Influencers receive a percentage of the marketing budget allocated to campaigns they participate in.
  • The exact percentage is determined based on their reach, engagement metrics, and the success of the campaigns they run.

Partnership Commissions

Contributors who successfully bring new partnerships to Base Mafia are eligible for long-term earnings from these collaborations.


  • Initial Token Reward: Contributors receive a set amount of $MAFIA tokens for each new partnership they bring.
  • Ongoing Commissions: Contributors earn 25% of the shared revenue generated from these partnerships indefinitely. This includes revenue from joint ventures, product sales, and any other collaborative activities.

Project Incubation Commissions

Contributors who bring new project founders to Base Mafia for incubation are rewarded for their efforts. These contributions help expand the Base Mafia ecosystem and support the growth of new blockchain projects.


  • Initial Token Reward: Contributors receive a set amount of $MAFIA tokens for each new project founder they bring to Base Mafia.
  • Development Costs: 15% of the revenue from development costs associated with the incubated project.
  • Fundraising Commissions: 15% of the revenue from fundraising activities conducted for the incubated project.
  • Marketing Fees: 15% of the revenue from marketing services provided to the incubated project.

Social Media Promotion

Contributors can earn tokens by actively promoting Base Mafia on social media platforms. Activities include shilling, raiding, and creating engaging content about Base Mafia.


  • Contributors receive $MAFIA tokens based on the quality and impact of their social media activities.
  • Rewards are determined by engagement metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and overall reach.
  • Special bonuses are awarded for viral content or significant contributions that lead to increased visibility and user engagement.


Interested in becoming a contributor? Reach out to us today!

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