Base Mafia Contributor Revenue Model

jun 06, 2024


At Base Mafia, we recognize the invaluable contributions of our community members in driving the project forward. To incentivize and reward those who bring value and business to the Base Mafia ecosystem, we have established a comprehensive revenue model for our contributors. This document outlines the different revenue streams available to our contributors based on their activities and the value they bring to the project.

Revenue Streams for Contributors

1. Influencer Marketing Revenue

Description: Influencers play a crucial role in spreading the word about Base Mafia and engaging with the broader crypto community. Influencers can join our Key Opinion Leader (KOL) group and earn from marketing revenues.


  • Influencers will receive a percentage of the marketing budget allocated to campaigns they participate in.
  • The exact percentage will be determined based on their reach, engagement metrics, and the success of the campaigns they run.

2. Partnership Commissions

Description: Contributors who successfully bring new partnerships to Base Mafia are eligible for long-term earnings from these collaborations.


  • Initial Token Reward: Contributors receive a set amount of $MAFIA tokens for each new partnership they bring.
  • Ongoing Commissions: Contributors earn 25% of the shared revenue generated from these partnerships indefinitely. This includes revenue from joint ventures, product sales, and any other collaborative activities.

3. Project Incubation Commissions

Description: Contributors who bring new project founders to Base Mafia for incubation are rewarded for their efforts. These contributions help expand the Base Mafia ecosystem and support the growth of new blockchain projects.


  • Initial Token Reward: Contributors receive a set amount of $MAFIA tokens for each new project founder they bring to Base Mafia.
  • Development Costs: 15% of the revenue from development costs associated with the incubated project.
  • Fundraising Commissions: 15% of the revenue from fundraising activities conducted for the incubated project.
  • Marketing Fees: 15% of the revenue from marketing services provided to the incubated project.

4. Social Media Promotion

Description: Contributors can earn tokens by actively promoting Base Mafia on social media platforms. Activities include shilling, raiding, and creating engaging content about Base Mafia.


  • Contributors receive $MAFIA tokens based on the quality and impact of their social media activities.
  • Rewards are determined by engagement metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and overall reach.
  • Special bonuses are awarded for viral content or significant contributions that lead to increased visibility and user engagement.

Summary of Contributor Earnings

  • Influencers: Percentage of marketing revenue based on campaign success.
  • Partnership Contributors: Initial token reward + 25% ongoing revenue from partnerships.
  • Project Incubation Contributors: Initial token reward + 15% of revenue from development, fundraising, and marketing for incubated projects.
  • Social Media Promoters: $MAFIA tokens based on engagement metrics and impact.


The Base Mafia Contributor Revenue Model is designed to reward community members who actively contribute to the growth and success of the project. By providing multiple revenue streams, we ensure that our contributors are fairly compensated for their efforts and incentivized to continue bringing value to the Base Mafia ecosystem. We believe that this model will foster a vibrant and engaged community, driving the long-term success of Base Mafia.

11 jun, 2024
Base Mafia is onboarding 6 new projects in their incubator, Find out how $MAFIA holders will benefit big time!
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30 mei, 2024
Ensuring Security and Trust: How Base Mafia Prevents Exploits
29 mei, 2024
Base Mafia is proud to announce our strategic partnership with Sureyield and the exciting inclusion of our project in their Reward Program. How is Base Mafia Benefiting from Sureyield? Every time Sureyield users deposit USDC or refer others to the platform, they receive tickets to win USDC from the monthly reward program. By choosing to support Base Mafia, the project will get 1% of the total tickets claimed by the user. This also presents an opportunity for Base Mafia to win the draw as well. The reward program aims at fostering consistent engagement and visibility for the Base Mafia project within the Sureyield ecosystem. About Sureyield Sureyield simplifies yield farming. Their AI-managed protocol handles all the complex tasks, including automating sophisticated strategies, empowering users to focus on earning USDC. Gone are the days of choosing pools and manually managing positions! With Sureyield, users can maximize their returns effortlessly while enjoying a secure and transparent platform. Website: Sureyield Why This Partnership Matters The collaboration between Base Mafia and Sureyield represents a significant step forward in our mission to enhance community engagement and foster innovation. Here’s what this partnership brings to the table: Enhanced Community Engagement: By participating in Sureyield's reward program, Base Mafia community members can earn additional rewards and support our project simultaneously. Increased Visibility: The partnership boosts Base Mafia’s visibility within the Sureyield ecosystem, attracting more participants and expanding our reach. Innovative Reward Mechanism: Sureyield's monthly draw offers a dynamic way to engage users, creating new opportunities for growth and participation. Stay tuned for more updates as we roll out new initiatives and projects together. Together, we are stronger!
09 mei, 2024
Introduction: As Base Mafia continues to evolve and expand its presence within the crypto ecosystem, one aspect remains central to our success: the Base Mafia Alliance. More than just a network of professionals and projects, the Alliance serves as a crucial revenue-generating engine for Base Mafia—a fact that holds significant implications for MAFIA token holders. In this paper, we'll explore the various revenue models associated with the Alliance and how they contribute to the buy power of the MAFIA token. Revenue Models: Membership Fees: Individuals, projects, and businesses utilizing Base Mafia services or seeking continuous access to a variety of offerings will pay membership fees. These fees grant them access to a suite of benefits and resources available within the Alliance. Service Fees: Users of Base Mafia services, whether on an ad-hoc basis or as part of their membership, will incur service fees. These fees are charged for individual services rendered and contribute to Base Mafia's overall revenue. Partnership Collaborations: Base Mafia engages in partnerships and collaborations within the Alliance, leveraging shared resources, expertise, and networks to generate additional revenue streams. Collaborative ventures and revenue-sharing agreements with other entities within the Alliance contribute to overall revenue. Rewards Pool Funding and Market Buybacks: A portion of the revenue generated through Alliance activities is allocated to rewards pools for MAFIA token holders. Additionally, Base Mafia conducts market buybacks of the MAFIA token using Alliance revenues. These buybacks support the token's price and liquidity, creating value for token holders. Importance for MAFIA Token Holders: The revenue generated through the Base Mafia Alliance is instrumental in creating buy power for the MAFIA token. As Alliance revenues grow, so too does the value of the MAFIA token, as a portion of these revenues is used for buyback initiatives. These buybacks help support the token's price and liquidity, creating a positive feedback loop for MAFIA token holders. Additionally, rewards earned through Alliance promotions provide further incentives for token holders to actively engage with the ecosystem, driving adoption and usage of the MAFIA token. Conclusion: In conclusion, the Base Mafia Alliance serves as a critical revenue-generating mechanism for Base Mafia, with significant implications for MAFIA token holders. By leveraging membership fees, service fees, partnership collaborations, rewards pool funding, and market buybacks, Base Mafia generates revenue that directly contributes to the buy power of the MAFIA token. As the Alliance continues to grow and evolve, so too will the value of the MAFIA token, creating exciting opportunities for token holders to participate in and benefit from the Base Mafia ecosystem.
08 mei, 2024
Introduction: In the dynamic world of blockchain technology, innovation thrives on collaboration and community-driven initiatives. At Base Mafia, we recognize the power of partnerships and the importance of fostering a vibrant ecosystem. That's why we've established the Base Mafia Alliance—an initiative designed to bring together a diverse range of professionals, projects, businesses, developers, and designers under one umbrella. Through this alliance, we aim to create a thriving ecosystem on Base, where innovators can connect, collaborate, and access the resources they need to bring their ideas to life. The Vision: Our vision for the Base Mafia Alliance is simple yet ambitious: to build a real ecosystem that serves as a catalyst for innovation on Base. Rather than simply hiring professionals and developers, we believe in connecting them to our platform, providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to thrive. By doing so, we create a central hub on Base—a go-to destination for anyone looking to build, collaborate, or innovate on the super chain. Key Components of the Alliance: Onboarding Professionals and Projects: The Base Mafia Alliance welcomes professionals from all backgrounds, including developers, designers, marketers, and business experts. We also extend our invitation to innovative projects and businesses looking to leverage the potential of Base. By onboarding diverse talent and projects, we enrich our ecosystem and foster a culture of collaboration and creativity. Providing Resources and Support: One of the core objectives of the Base Mafia Alliance is to provide resources and support to its members. Whether it's access to development tools, marketing assistance, or strategic guidance, we're committed to equipping our community with everything they need to succeed. Through partnerships with experienced development companies and other industry experts, we ensure that our members have access to top-notch resources and support. Encouraging Innovation: At Base Mafia, we believe that innovation thrives in an environment of collaboration and openness. That's why we actively encourage members of the Alliance to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and explore new possibilities. By fostering a culture of innovation, we create endless opportunities for growth and discovery on Base. Serving as a Central Hub: Perhaps most importantly, the Base Mafia Alliance serves as a central hub on Base—a one-stop destination for anything a project needs. Whether it's development services, marketing support, or access to funding, our members can find it all within the Alliance. By centralizing these resources, we streamline the process of innovation and empower our community to reach new heights.
Een blauwe achtergrond met moonwell erop geschreven
05 mei, 2024
Continuing our journey with Luke Youngblood, we delve deeper into the vision behind Moonwell and its pivotal role in shaping the future of blockchain technology. Luke emphasizes Moonwell's commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, stating, "We want to be just as easy to use as possible. We want to be translated into multiple languages." This dedication to user-friendliness ensures that individuals worldwide, regardless of location, can seamlessly access and utilize Moonwell's services. Moreover, Moonwell's partnership with Circle, the company behind USDC, marks a significant milestone in the project's development. Luke reveals, "StableCoin company that builds USDC is piloting some USDC marketing incentives." Users participating in Moonwell's ecosystem can earn USDC rewards, thanks to this innovative collaboration, further enhancing the platform's appeal and utility. Looking ahead, Luke envisions a future where blockchain networks seamlessly interact, much like the internet today. "All these networks are going to fade away," he explains. "Users shouldn't have to think about what network they're on." Moonwell's user-centric approach ensures that individuals can transact and engage with Web3 applications effortlessly, without the constraints of network barriers. In this era of innovation, Moonwell stands at the forefront, alongside other visionary projects on Base. Luke concludes, "Super excited to be building alongside the best builders in the space," highlighting the collaborative spirit driving Moonwell and its mission to revolutionize the blockchain landscape. Join us as we embark on this journey of transformation, where the boundaries of what's possible are continually pushed, and the future of blockchain technology is redefined.  Stay tuned for more updates and insights from Moonwell as we pave the way for a decentralized future.
A blue background with the word moonwell on it
04 mei, 2024
In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, innovation is the name of the game. Meet Luke Youngblood, a founding contributor at Moonwell, whose journey through the tech industry has been nothing short of extraordinary. With over two decades of experience, including stints at Amazon Web Services and Coinbase, Luke's expertise in building secure systems in the cloud is unparalleled. But it was his pivotal role in launching Ethereum staking rewards at Coinbase that truly solidified his place as a visionary in the crypto space. In a recent interview, Luke shared insights into his journey and the genesis of Moonwell. "Coinbase contacted us," he explains, "and they said, 'We really want to get into staking rewards. We think staking is the future.' That's how I joined Coinbase." As the lead engineer behind the Ethereum staking rewards project, Luke's passion for innovation and his drive to push boundaries were evident. "We had to champion it with the leadership," he recalls. "It wasn't obvious that this was going to become a hundred million dollar a year revenue business." But Luke's vision extended beyond staking rewards. Inspired by the potential of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), he saw an opportunity to revolutionize the way we interact with blockchain technology. "By creating BASE," Luke explains, "he's created a way that all of us Coinbase alumni can actually launch DAOs on base as a layer too." This groundbreaking initiative opens the door for projects like Moonwell to thrive and collaborate within the BASE ecosystem. With Moonwell leading the charge, the future of staking and DAOs on Base looks brighter than ever. As Luke aptly puts it, "Coinbase is going to be bringing tens of millions of users from retail in this incredible retail funnel they have to base." Join us as we embark on this exciting journey with Moonwell, where innovation knows no bounds, and the possibilities are endless. Together, we're shaping the future of cryptocurrency one block at a time. Stay tuned for more updates and insights from Moonwell as we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of blockchain technology.
Een blauwe achtergrond met de woorden die de gemeenschap verenigen en alle kansen trotseren
28 apr, 2024
In the depths of the crypto underworld, a seismic shift is underway. At Base Mafia, we're not just challenging the status quo—we're rewriting the rules of engagement, and it all begins with our fiercely united community. Unleashing the Collective Power Our inaugural round stands as a testament to the unwavering strength of our community. Without the influence of deep-pocketed whales or venture capitalists, we've amassed a formidable force of passionate individuals who share our bold vision for the future. A Commitment to Long-Term Success Unlike many projects that rely on external funding sources, our war chest is fueled solely by the unwavering support of our community. This grassroots approach ensures a steadfast commitment to our shared journey and the creation of the most resilient meme token ecosystem ever conceived. Rallying the Troops for the Next Phase But our journey is far from over. We call upon each and every member of our community to stand shoulder to shoulder as we embark on the next leg of our mission. Spread the word, ignite the excitement, and let's flood our upcoming presale rounds with the unstoppable force of the people. Rewarding Contributors, Not Just Tokens At Base Mafia, we reject the notion of team tokens. Instead, we champion the invaluable contributions of our community members—individuals who invest not only their capital but also their time, passion, and ingenuity into propelling Base Mafia to new heights. Our developers and co-founders stand alongside you, personally invested in our collective success. Join the Movement Together, we're not merely minting a token—we're fueling a revolution. Embrace your role in this historic moment and stand with us as we showcase the indomitable power of the people.  Stay tuned for forthcoming updates on our presale rounds and seize the opportunity to play an integral part in shaping the future of Base Mafia!
25 apr, 2024
Attention, Base Mafia community! We're thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity to amplify your investment and engagement with our project. As part of our commitment to rewarding our loyal supporters, we're launching an exclusive airdrop campaign.  Here's how it works: For every participant who joins our whitelist and invests a minimum of $250 in the Guarantee Round, we'll add an extra 10% to their investment amount. That's right – simply by participating in the Guarantee Round, you'll automatically qualify for this generous airdrop bonus. To participate in the airdrop and secure your spot in the Guarantee Round, follow these simple steps: Visit our website and navigate to the Whitelist section. Complete the whitelist application form and ensure all required information is provided accurately. Once your whitelist application is approved, proceed to invest a minimum of $250 in the Guarantee Round. Sit back and relax – we'll take care of the rest! Your airdrop bonus will be automatically added to your investment amount. Our goal with this airdrop campaign is to incentivize and reward our community members for their trust and commitment to Base Mafia. By providing this additional bonus, we aim to enhance the value proposition of participating in our project and foster greater engagement among our supporters. So mark your calendars and get ready to seize this incredible opportunity. The Base Mafia Airdrop is your chance to supercharge your investment and take your involvement with our project to the next level. Stay tuned for further details and instructions on how to participate in the airdrop. Together, let's build a stronger, more vibrant Base Mafia community! Note: Terms and conditions apply. The Base Mafia Airdrop is subject to eligibility criteria and participation requirements. Details will be provided in the official announcement.
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